Burning Rubber, Shovel, Salt and Sweat
New Haven's skyline over the Snow cake on top of my Car This has been a crazy winter by anyone's account. For all the cold weather hatred , I'll give you this disclaimer: I actually appreciate the winter. Notice I didn't say I love the winter. I think my appreciation comes from living in Florida for 6 years. It's hard to say after half a dozen snow storms, but I got tired of the warm weather monotony. The cold helps you appreciate the hot days. The hot days help you appreciate the cold. So back to this winter and this last storm. I love a challenge but this was tough especially for the people that got stuck in their cars on the highway or stranded at home waiting for Plows to come through. Let's say I got used to the smell of burning rubber on pavement, the smell sometimes taste of salt and sweating. Halfway Out The whole dig out disaster started in the morning.... Or midnight. Digging co-workers out so they can just be at work. There was a wh...