Fixing an Canon EOS 630's Batter Drain problem
I don't think I'll get yelled at by too many people for this.. But I decided to take my Camera Completely apart to fix a problem inside. OK, relax -- It was my dad's 20 year old EOS 630. It wasn't a 70D, 5D or 1DX. This camera is the very first SLR that I learned to take pictures on. So its pretty special to me. I''l probably never junk it...or sell it on EBay. So, It's been hanging around in the back of a closet somewhere collecting dust. But the digital camera age isn't the only thing that killed this camera. It's the battery drain issue. You can put a brand new 10 dollar battery in this thing.. and it'll be dead the next morning. I did some research and found a write up below on how to fix it. I also tried to record a video of the fix. This is from ... I've shortened the directions on how to fix it just a tad.. but here you go: my camera with the latch plate off the latch plate Here's a link to ...
converse, bow-tie and hawk = swag lol