First Day of School: Go Ethan!

      So, after a minor delay, .. Ethan had his first day of school today. The First day in the beginning of what will be a long and promising educational career. From Kindergarten to Middle School to High School, College and Grad School. He'll probably spend the next 20 years in someone's classroom somewhere learning and growing.    

      On his first day, EJ was stylishly dressed in a blue and white shirt with some blue jeans. Stylish even in the rain. What I love is his excitement. When I walked in the door this morning after work... it wasn't a groggy, tired, or quiet hello... It was DADDY, DADDY I GO TO SCHOOL TODAY! After a little food in his belly...preparing his lunch and combing his hair EJ, Daddy and Mommy were on our way to school.

      I'm guessing that parents are afraid to put their kids on buses these days, because when we got to the school the street was lined with mommy/daddy-mobiles dropping kids off at school. Then without even a tear shed.. he was off. A quick hello to the school Principal, ... in through the front doors then into his classroom after saying a quick goodbye. He found his cubby and was off to answer all the tough questions of a kindergartner. Now comes the best part of the story for me -- sleep. 5 hours of sleep down.

     When I went to pick him up, I was a little nervous. I looked for dried up tears-- there weren't any. All smiles from both the teacher and Ethan. And there you go, not really too much to report from the first day. He  says he made some friends, but hasn't learned their names. He also says he's "the best boy in the class and the whole wide world." 


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