
Showing posts from April, 2014

WRAL Azalea Gardens Blooms: just pictures

 Not much to say here about these pictures. But here's a collection of pictures from the WRAL Azalea gardens in Raleigh, NC. It's a great plce for weddings, senior photos, grad photos, family photos and more. Believe Me I've seen it all.

Rock N Roll Half Marathon Complete, What's Next?

It is time for me to release all of my thoughts about the Inaugural Rock 'N' Roll Marathon/Half marathon so I can stop talking about it everywhere I go. It's been almost a week and the marathon is all I talk about-  just ask some of my co-workers. To be honest, I kind of went through runners withdrawal mostly because I didn't have another race lined up. So, without a goal.. I kind of felt empty. But I'm fine now. I've narrowed my search down to a few races - To Be announced Later.  Plus, now I'm helping my wife reach her personal goal.      So, let's talk about the race. I think I almost didn't make it to the start line. There was so much traffic headed into downtown Raleigh that traffic was backed up onto Capital boulevard. One small thing played in my favor. There was a RPD patrol car blocking the Peace Street exit. Most of the people trying to get a parking spot at 6 o'clock in the morning didn't notice that that patrol car wasn