Running Raleigh: Ironwood Trail - Trail Review 2
So you get the scenic payoff on both ends of this run.
So, let's see how it does.
Hill Ranking: 4
(Are we going down hill, both ways?)
This section of the trail below the Shelley Lake dam is pretty flat. Again, you are running next to a river. So, you get your ups and downs, bridges and bumps that you'd expect to find next to a river, but nothing serious. There are at least two hills that are pretty steep. But you can at least see the tops of these hills and they aren't long hard hills. If I want to get a hills workout in. I'll run to the mall and back.. then I'll run to the top of the Shelley Lake dam. That is one demoralizing, painful and slow hill if you are not mentally prepared for it.
Access to water: 6
(Water break at the mall)
There are two water refill areas on this run. One is on the Shelley Lake Trail by the boat house and in the upper parking lot. The other would have to be at McDonalds or in the mall. This trial drops you off at the McDonald's behind the mall. Also near Best Buy and the Mall. I haven't had to get water from here yet because it's only 5 miles down and back and because this trail is mostly shaded. That's why this one gets high marks for this category.
(...but watch out for hobos & commuters)

Scenery: 6
(I'm not distracted by the beauty)

Ease of Use: 8
(You won't need Siri's guidance for this)
It's pretty easy to figure out. There is one Y in the trail that could take you off in a different direction. But, if you keep following the sings for the Ironwood trail or go towards Crabtree Creek,... you're good. The trail lost a few points for it's Crossing on North Hills Drive. I've lost a few fellow runners here who didn't know which way to go. My son even get a little confused. It's not obvious unless you see another runner on the path up ahead. if you don't know-- It's a left turn, then a quick right to cross the street and stay on the path.Then when you get to Crabtree Creek, you can either turn left or turn right. Turn right to go to the mall.
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