Wireless/Bluetooth Heaphone Review: SHO3D from Amazon.com

note: The review below was written about a month before this post I have a half marathon race in ten days and I have to decide between two wireless headphones. I just got these in the mail yesterday-- and they're great. But can they hold up to two hours of running on a hot April day? We'll see. Start with the box-- packaging is apple-esque When you open the iPhone box you immediately see the product. I like that. Then all of the components are neatly packaged beneath it. First impression- the headphones look cool. They remind me of the in ear monitors some stars wear on stage -- except the stick out a little more. Comes with charging cable, earbuds and silicon covers to protect from sweat and rain. -- trust me I've run with massive amounts of both. Fit- I fiddled with how to put them on. The wire goes over the ear and around the head. It feels pretty secu...