Refurbished Hutch: From natural to White

 I don't know what has gotten into me recently, but I decided to refurbish a piece of furniture that has been in my family for a very long time. The Truth is, that it really doesn't fit with the style of our new home. We've had it for the past 10 years -- ever since we've been married. It's traveled with us from Connecticut to North Carolina and five different homes/apartments along the way. Now that we're in a permanent location, it's time to give this piece of furniture a look that will reflect our style and accentuate its style. So, where do you start with a project like this? Well, I watch enough HGTV and DIY TV to have a general idea of what can be done to salvage this piece. So, I got a sander, some paint and some patients and got to work. I think it really turned out great. I'm glad I didn't just spray paint it. I'm glad that I took the time to properly remove all the hardware and doors. It was a pretty easy job. No instructions needed... I promise. The only advice I have for you is to bag all of your screws and hardware.. and make sure you know how to replace the door hinges.


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